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GeoSIMS: Data Glossary

  • Assignment Organization (Room Assignment Organization)
    • The assignment organization is the group that physically occupies the space. This value is usually identical to the room organization, however, setting the assignment organization to a value different than the room organization allows a group to indicate if their room is loaned to or shared with another group. This is the organization code that is used in space reports to calculate a department's total square footage. The organization code structure is described here.
  • Budgets
    • Grant and gift budgets can have one primary location and multiple non-primary locations identified. The location is identified by indicating the facility, room number, and room assignment record (a sub-division of the room) that the budget activity takes place in.
  • Capacity
    • The capacity should reflect the maximum number of seats or stations in the room as it is currently configured. This value is not required for room types where seats or stations are not typically found (e.g. store rooms, hallways, etc.). Capacity is not the same as the fire code maximum occupancy.
  • Facility
    • The facility value displays a building's facility code, name, and facility number. The facility number is the numeric code that uniquely identifies a building and will never change, unlike the facility code and name, which are subject to change. The facility code, name, and number are not editable through GeoSIMS.
  • Floor
    • The floor code is the two-character code used to identify a floor within a facility as defined in the floor plan drawing. Examples of floor codes include: 01 - First Floor; M1 - First Mezzanine; P1 - First Parking Floor; 0G - Ground Floor; RF- Roof. The floor code is not editable through GeoSIMS.
  • Functional Use
    • This is the specific activity that takes place within the space (e.g. research, instruction, other sponsored activities, etc.). Functional use data is gathered in support of the Facilities & Administrative (F&A) or indirect cost proposal. Functional use category definitions can be found here.
  • Last Confirmed
    • This indicates the date and UW NetID of the last user to confirm the room's data as being correct to the best of their knowledge. Groups should review their space data and confirm it is correct at least annually.
  • Occupants
    • Occupants are individuals who use the space associated with a room assignment record (a sub-division of a room). Occupant data is gathered in support of the Facilities & Administrative (F&A) indirect cost proposal.
  • Organization (Room Organization)
    • The room organization is the group that the room has been assigned to. The room organization does not indicate the group that physically occupies the space. The occupying group is identified by the room assignment organization. The organization code structure is described here.
  • Primary Use (Room Type)
    • Room type codes are assigned to a room based on primary use. Most rooms fall under a single room type code, however, if a room can fall under multiple room types the majority, or primary, use is chosen. Room type code definitions can be found here.
  • Principal Investigator
    • If activity within the area of the room assignment record (a sub-division of a room) can be tied to a principal investigator, the PI is entered into the Principal Investigator field. Otherwise, the PI value can remain as the default, "999999999 - N/A". The PI value is not to be used to indicate an occupant of the space. Use the occupants list to identify occupants of the space.
  • Room Assignment Record
    • Each room contains at least one room assignment record. A room assignment record is a sub-division of the room. The size of the sub-division is determined by the room percent value, often set to 100% unless a room is shared, with the assignment organization value indicating the occupying group of the sub-division. If activity in the sub-division is tied to a principal investigator, the PI is entered into the principal investigator field.
  • Room Number
    • The room number is used to identify a room within a facility as defined in the floor plan drawing. A room is usually defined as the space within a walled area. Sometimes, on the floor plan drawing, an open area can be split into multiple rooms using "phantom walls" to define separate adjacent areas. The room number is not editable through GeoSIMS.
  • Room Percent
    • For each room assignment record within a room, which can be thought of as a sub-division of the room, the room percent value is an estimation of the percentage of area that the room assignment accounts for. Within a room, the room assignment records should have room percent values that add to 99 or 100% in total.
  • Square Feet
    • Square feet is the area of the room as calculated in the floor plan drawing. The square footage is not editable through GeoSIMS.